Meditations on the Incarnation - New Playlist

Presenting a New Playlist 

This Advent we’re excited to introduce three thematic Advent and Christmas playlists.  While we love listening straight through our Advent albums this time of year (thank you!), we hope these playlists will be a resource and another option for you as you listen while you work or worship or spend time with family and friends. 

Last week we were excited to introduce an Advent playlist - a selection of songs from our albums that are focused on waiting for Christ to come.  There were Old Testament texts like Zephaniah 3 (“Gather Them In”), and original texts like our song “Breathe Down”.  All the songs focus on waiting for God to rescue - as Israel waited and called for God to rescue his people, we are waiting too for him to come and finish the good work he started.  We hope these waiting songs help prepare your hearts to celebrate Christmas, and the Christ child, soon!

Our second playlist (spotify link apple music link) is a selection of rich, meditative songs that all reflect on what it means that the God of the universe became a human.  We’re calling it “Meditations on the Incarnation”.  This crazy tenet of the Christian faith can start to seem so normal to those who believe it.  We hope these songs - some as old as the 4th century, some written in the last few years - invite you to ponder anew the mystery that in Christ God became one of us.  And the movement of the playlist concludes the meditation with a call to respond to this mystery (with the songs “Following” and “May the Mind of Christ My Savior”).  The God who has shown himself in Christ to be self-giving Love, invites us to follow him in that same way of love. 

Find the lyrics to each song linked below.  We really think they are songs worth reading and reflecting on as well as listening, but they’ll also be great played in the background as you decorate the tree or drive to work or bake cookies for a neighbor or clean up sticky hot chocolate residue after your kids are in bed.  

Over the next few weeks we’ll be posting reflections and Advent thoughts about some of these songs, so please check back in, and please share.  Stay tuned for playlist #3 out next week! 

Meditations on the Incarnation - a playlist by Ordinary Time music

Let all mortal flesh keep silence


Of the Father’s Love Begotten

O Come All Ye Faithful

Mary’s Song

How You Choose to Come

Thou Who Wast Rich Beyond All Splendor

With death in mind


May the mind of Christ of Christ My Savior

Jill for Ordinary Time

#ordinarytimemusic #christianacousticfolk #theologicalbluegrass #originalhymns #modernhymns #vocalharmony #advent #adventhymn #new playlist


Thou Who Wast Rich


Advent Is For You